Just like a family, we all get to be involved. We are a group of people who have discovered the joy and satisfaction in making a lasting difference

to the world around us. 



Giving financially to CityWest Church is not by obligation or a forced practice. When we give we give as an expression of our worship to God who has supplied all our needs and resources. 

Each time we meet we receive financial donations to help support the running costs of our Church and to cover weekly expenses. We also commit various resources to the care and support of those in need (locally and globally) showing the practical aspect of God's love.  

If you wish to give outside of our weekly gatherings you can do so online by Direct Transfer into the following account:

BSB: 083 758

ACC#: 57 232 4617

Thank you for your support and generosity. 



For any Church to function it takes a dedicated team of volunteers to make it strong and effective. That's why we love to give everyone an opportunity to get involved and volunteer their time and talents. 

There are many opportunities to serve God and others. Sometimes you might be asked personally by one of our dedicated team to lend a helping hand or sometimes you might respond to an invitation to help out in a certain area of need, but regardless how it happens we are sure that you have a lot to offer and will add value to the lives of those around you.



Opportunities change week by week, but here is a regular list of areas that you can volunteer in:

  • Music Team. Do you play an instrument, sing or love to help with the technical side of music? Then we would love to hear from you.

  • Kids Ministry. Each week we want to provide our children with an age-appropriate program that empowers them to live amazing lives, but it takes committed people of faith to do that. If you love to see kids grow into their awesome destiny, then please let us know. 

  • Hospitality. If you love to serve others and give them a great feeling of being loved and valued, then you can volunteer in our welcoming team, kitchen or ushers. 

  • Youth. We have a great team building into our youth on a regular basis, why not get involved in the fun?


If you would like to discuss any of the above opportunities or want further information, then please get in touch with us on our "Contact Page" today. 


You are welcome to come and safely check out CityWest Church. We won't call you up, call you out or call you into something you are not willing to be a part of. Feel free to sit through one of our Church services and figure out if what we're about is something you can connect with. If you have any questions or want to know more, please send us an email or give us a call, we would love to help you. 






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© 2024 - CityWest Church, Melton VIC, Australia

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